Thursday, September 26, 2013

A hop, skip and odd trip down the rabbit hole~

Mostly at a dear old friend's behest, I started this blog. I've never been the best type for these things, though I do enjoy reading others from time to time. It's not that I have no interest in, no. Far from that. But more that...

To be frank, I'm SO forgetful. Like seriously. The type that can set her keys down on the kitchen counter, make a response to one of my roommates and then COMPLETELY forget where I put the keys.

Ya, you know the type. Not quite air-headed but damn near close. Which is hilarious considering that I'm way compulsive about my room and the placement of things.


Ahem. Yes, to continue, [I also ramble and more than just a little], I will try my very best to keep up with this. Mostly because even I need a place to spew my very opinionated ramblings to like-minded individuals [since I think my roommates have grown tired of being the victims in that realm.]

As for what will be here, uhhhh...mostly anything and everything. YAY FOR SPECIFICITY. [/shotoncemore] Lawl~ No. Well, yes. I dunno. Probably just a random massive whirlpool that will suck all of those that even glimpse this blog into it's chaotic depths.

Won't that experience be fun?

No? Damn. Well, let's see...Otome games [as they're my current binge]. And they'll be for all platforms that I manage to deduce enough of a translation from to get a gist of what's going on. Also, manga. The super popular ones and maybe those you've never heard of. Like the way out-there ones that you're like dafuq is this? Perhaps some anime from time to time, as it's not too much my forte anymore. purchases probably? Lol. I buy a lot of paraphernalia. So many wallscrolls~

Other than'll just be dotted with arbitrary shiz. I dunno. Dun ask me. I wasn't prepared for a questionnaire.

So yeah...just...enjoy~!

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