Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Otome Game Review ~ Hitofuta Kitan

 Japanese Game Title ~ ひとふた奇譚
English Title ~ Hitofuta Kitan
Creator/Company ~ Profitrolle
Original Release ~ March 30, 2012
Genre ~ Otome, Shoujo, Boring Male Lead, Ayakashi
Personal Completion Date ~ September 23, 2013? [I can't specifically remember anymore, actually. Lol]

 Although I have already posted a mini version of this on my facebook, I do feel the game is worth more than just a bunch of lines bashing Kazuki while simultaneously drooling over Nana-chan. So to elaborate...

It's first worth noting that I didn't play the "bad" endings, if there were any. Lol. That's right...I play with walkthroughs. NO SHAME IN ADMITTING IT. Sure some may be like "dafuq? what's the point in playing then?" To those I say. BLAME HAKUOKI. Oh yeah. When the English version of Hakuoki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom came out, I just winged it. AND EVERYONE FUCKING DIED. Even Kazuma wasn't around for this shitty ending I somehow walked into while still hoping for my starry-eyed romance and despite the dick Kazuma was, I would have welcomed any sort of moves on Chizuru. That's how desperate I was. o.o;

So yeah, that one ending forever ruining my ideals in experimentation. I know, I'm so pathetic for letting one experience ruin my true gamer spirit. But do otome games count towards that? I'm not facing a harsh death and possible game over...just a poorly written ending. Lol. Which is weird, considering that I don't typically go to walkthroughs for my regular console games unless I've been sitting there for HOURS, repeating the same shiz over and over...

Okay, my bad. I'm rambling. I tend to do that. Back to Hito Futa...

Umm...I'll start with Kazuki's route...To call his route "good" would be an insult to otome games. Not only was there NO visible romance for the greatest chunk of his route, but he's an absolute yandere. My least favorite personality type. Sure, some might argue that he hasn't really a yandere but then what would you call that complete shift from refreshing personality to abrasive dick with the latter being used if he was only around other classmates. Psh. 

One of the few moments, he wasn't an utter disappointment.

Still, he first appears when Chie [I kept her default name] needs someone the most in that old schoolhouse, so I guess that's props for him. But it was all downhill from there as he then transfers into the one she just transferred into and she easily notes his split personality. He of course, ignores her confusion and chooses to stick to his image projection but decides to ultimately aid her in restoring the 12 Zodiac spirits to the calender she became the master of. At first he isn't really much help as it does take them FOREVER to even get just 2 spirits: the Rat and the snake. And the snake was more accident than anything. [They were attracted to Yoshihisa-kun's bishounen face. xD]

So they continues along in the game and he does aid our dear heroine into sealing the Dragon by lending her some wooden knife infused with spiritual power. But really, that entire night was a long running ass-kicking for all three. However, it's only during Summer Break that ANYTHING begins to really happen for Chie and Kazuki but before she finds him in "helpless bitch pose" in his own house after having been rendered pointless by some talismans that his brother slapped on him. [Pfft.Wimp.]

Why not have used some of that power you boast about as an Omyouji, huh!?

Anyway...the route drags along as obviously the longest of the game and when I finally hope for them to get together and end my misery...HE SPRINGS THAT HE'S LEAVING AND TAKING HER POWER WITH HIM. I nearly lost it and uninstalled it right fucking there. However, I calmed myself and maintained...ONLY TO BE REWARDED WITH THE LAMEST CG OF THE FUCKING GAME.


Alas, my frustrations nearly reached a breaking point but instead of going hulksmash on my new laptop...I just opted to retry with another possible love interest.

Which leads me to my second [and ultimate favorite] choice...Kairi Nanao [Or as Yoshihisa-kun and I called him "Nana-chan." ♥] [/insertmassivenosebleedhere] OMG. He was lovely. Despite his possibly repressed boner for his best friend, Tatsumi-sensei, he was the most attentive to Chie. And I adored every single second of his route. Even the down moments. [I might have skipped through some of the stuff I'd already seen~]

His route came with a few surprises and numerous answers to questions that popped up in Kazuki's route [which only further proves how little Kazuki cared about Chie, to not even explain some of the more awkward things going on...]. Apparently though he and Tatsumi-sensei are Kazuki's retainers and have powers similar to Kazuki's omyouji ones. However, Nana-chan's have a dark origin. His powers are blood-based and in order to use his power, he is constantly harming himself. [I really wish I had taken a screenshot of THAT particular CG. So tragic...] This comes to be very important during the epic battle of the game.

Not the most important CG or relevant, but it was cute.

Also, you learn the reason Nana-chan wears glasses AND IT ISN'T THE OBVIOUS ONE. Lol. Apparently, he wanted to simply look cooler next to Tatsumi-sensei, as he thought that Tatsumi looked far more approachable and blahblah. Whatever his reason, I thought it was so adorable to have them depict a man insecure about himself. Besides, megane or not, he was smoking hot for a teacher. [I'M FAILING MATH, NANA-CHAN. EXTRA LESSONS MAYBE ARE IN ORDER?]

So things come to a serious development in the main battle against Kazuki's grandfather, who'd been missing up to this point and had somehow managed to get his ass possessed. He also had control over the main force that was consuming the other [so far uncollected] 7 other Zodiac ayakashi. During this fight, Nana-chan took the brunt of the grandfather's powers, especially when Tatsumi-sensei started taking hits. So then Nana-chan would simply retake-up the initiative to draw him away from his secret bromance partner best friend [about all the same isn't it? Lol]. Not to mention that all of Nana-chan's attack drew on the same blood that the grandfather was spilling with his own hits. 

The couple that almost was~ Heh heh. :3

Not so surprisingly, Chie during the bigger part of this fight was no help; however, in a twist from most heroines, she was desperate to help but had been sealed off from the fight by Nana-chan. That is until he grew so weak that his blood barrier collapsed. So of course, Chie stepped up to the plate...ONLY TO GET BLOWN NEARLY TO PIECES. Yep, that's right. She didn't even get a chance to get a hit in. Instead she sacrificed herself to protect Nana-chan from an exploding talisman that the grandfather wanted to throw to effectively end him. Still, there was an up side to being a target for her. Nana-chan, between gargled bloody words about her foolishness, kissed her full on in the midst of battle. While there was no CG of this undoubtedly moving moment, it was just fine by me. That's what my imagination was good for, after all. :3 [No doubt far raunchier in my mind anyway. Fufufu~]

Alas, the kiss had a main point beyond a flat out statement to all the other potential love interests of the game equivalent to "THIS ONE'S MINE, ASSHOLES" [as almost all were present in some sense or another], he did it to give her his last remaining power before collapsing into a non-responsive heap.


From that the route proceeds as expected, save for the aftermath. That's when it gets cute again...heh heh. Basically, after waking up and what not, Chie goes off in search of her possessive-teacher bloody-knight new lover. She finds him, only to watch him struggle in trying to eat before she does the natural thing...and feeds him. ♥ And so not long after...normalcy resumes for all. With one sexy exception. The shining moment of the game occurs in their epilogue where Nana-chan asks...THAT question.

While I can't remember exactly how the conversation went, here's my rendition [possibly modified due to my overactive imagination. LOL.]

Nana-chan ~ "Do you want me to continue being your teacher?"
Chie ~ "Yes! Absolutely!"
Nana-chan ~ "Agreed. I look forward to teaching you new things in the time to come."
Chie ~ *Smiles~* "Yes. I can't wait."
Nana-chan ~ "Unfortunately, you'll have to. However, for only a year and a half. Then the new lessons begin and I am eager to see your progress." "*Gives a devilishly pervy serene smile~*
Chie ~ *Blinks, thinks and then blushes~* "I...look forward to the experience."


Anyway, yeah. That's their official ending. The good one anyway. I wouldn't have been able to take a bad one for them. So I ran with my new-found high and considered who to try next. I figured if one teacher was that adorable, the other had to be at least somewhat the same. With that in mind...I moved onto Tatsumi-sensei.

Only to be promptly disappointed. I mean, I won't go into too much detail as his route wasn't so different from Nana-chan's, except in that he gave a very "fatherly" feel to everything he said to Chie and not so much that of a capable lover. Which was one of the more hilarious aspects of Tatsumi-sensei. If he was ever called "Otou-san" or "Papa" [as Yoshihisa-kun did like twice in the game, hilariously], it would completely crush his spirit. No exaggeration. He would just shut down and slink out of the room as drearily as possible. Once he even asked Chie if he really looked old enough to father kids that might even be her age.

Daddy, is that you? Lawl~

Even his prologue was disappointing. Like, no kiss, no hug, NOTHING. Which may beg the question how Kazuki ranked dead-last, right underneath the father-figure wanna-be lover? Easy. At least Tatsumi-sensei gave a love confession. Indeed. In only the last few lines of his route, you get his sleepy muttered confession which was initiated by Chie who said it because he looked so cute sleeping or something. I dunno, I wasn't paying to much attention to the translation at that point. I was sort of over his route but not quite as disappointed by it as Kazuki's. So he ranks second to last out of those I played. I'm just not one for awkwardly implied "family-like" relationships.

Which brings to be the final route I played, Sakon Yoshihisa's. The only route with references to western exorcists. I know, it threw me when I found out too. I was like "DAFUQ? IS THERE ANYONE NORMAL IN THIS GAME!?" Considering what I know about Toa-kun and Akira-kun, that's going to be a no. Despite my awkward reservations about his route [mostly since he was as great as mystery as Nana-chan was with all the previous unexplained inklings before their respective routes], I felt game for it by then. I say "by then" because at first, I flat-out found his ass annoying as humanly possible. Always throwing himself on Chie, whining like a little bitch because he wasn't seen as cool or popular...Bleh. Such a foul taste he crammed in my mouth.

Which I guess begs the question, "why play his route?" Since the whole idea of this review blog was days after I'd finished playing, it wasn't for that reason. Instead, I just got curious what was being left out. That and he grew on me, ever so slightly through everyone else's route.

Still, as I played...I felt completely torn on my feelings about his route. Because there was a near equal amount of pros and cons. My favorite pro was how bold Chie became during his. Even though Yoshihisa-kun felt comfortable hugging her whenever his emotion surged with happiness, he was always stumbling and embarrassed when she took charge and said he was fine to use her legs as a lap pillow or whenever she boldly proclaimed her feelings through a kiss. These moments often left our most talkative male...at a loss for words. [Finally.]


Fufufu~ Surprisingly, I found these moments to be the highlight of his route. Mostly since after a while, his doubt of her potential to do anything became the nasty undertone to everything. See, it comes to light about halfway in his route that he's originally from England and part of a society of [as Kazuki put it] "western omyoujis." Lol. As in "exorcists." Not only him though but also the school nurse and some weird dude Chie meets briefly outside of the dorm one day [Toa]. All three of them after a particularly bad run-in with the Rooster spirit, urge Chie to give up the calender and it's remaining ayakashi to be sealed, to another. [Which really, was Yoshihisa's fault since SOMEONE had to protect his ass and Chie jumped in right as he was about to bite the dust.] This frustrates her [and me] and she refuses. [No surprise there.]

After a while though, Yoshihisa relents due to Kazuki's reminder that regardless of how they feel Chie will do as she pleases. [Shocked me too. Never though Kazuki would defend her, even if awkwardly.] So he then basically serves as a protector to Chie for the rest of the route, claiming he doesn't want those he cares about to be harmed. Which may seem like a loose confession but Yoshihisa is WAY insecure and to make a long story short, it's not. Only after the final battle, into the epilogue do we have a formal confession made. WHICH THEN TOOK SO MUCH LONGER THAN NECESSARY.  Sheesh. Chie tries to confess and Yoshihisa is like "nuwai, it's all a lie, you dun like meh. I'm so pathetic~." To which Chie finds that the only way he'll believe her is with some physical contact. Heh heh. So she grabs his face and kisses him. [No CG of that either, sadly.]

Either way, all in all his route wasn't horrid. Kind of cute really, minus the constant doubt he had about Chie's own ability.

Now to answer the one lingering question I know those with some loose knowledge of this game may have...What happened to Akira's and Toa's routes? 

Ehhh...well, really, I just didn't play them. [/dodgesbullets] Sorry. I just wasn't instead in the gloomy underclassmen or the narcissist. I will say this about Akira's route though, for those that want something to go on. 

This CG made me so glad I didn't play when I found it on google. Mega emo, ftw~

The information that I did gather about Akira is that in every final battle scene for all the route I did play...he was the main force compromising the 7 other "eaten" Zodiac ayakashi. Each time, it was simply that he was being manipulated by Kazuki's grandfather and the energy or "magic" of the spirits turned him into a crazy beast bent on destruction. As a side note too, there is a small scene in the main part of the routes that demonstrates that Akira is possibly on-par with genius-level intellect but somehow sucks at taking tests. Lol.

Sadly [or not so, depending on your interest in overly self-assured blonds], I have almost no info to provide on Toa. So boo-hoo. Don't care. His attitude and love of random English phrases turned me off.

All-in-all, a rather nice otome. I've no doubt played better and it SO BADLY needed more romance but still, cute for what it did contain. Honestly though, it was mostly Nana-chan that saved his game for me as not having been a complete time waster. Just so fucking adorable he was...*Sigh~*

Final Rating ~ 7/10

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